“Most people are afraid to express their goals outwardly, vocally or tell other people because they are afraid to fail. My question to people is well if no one knows your goals how are they going to help you? I’m a big proponent of standing up and yelling your goals at the top of your voice, if people don’t know, how can they can’t even offer help. Of course you’re going to get the naysayers, people that say you can’t do that but it’s your job to get your own inside voice louder than the naysayers”
My special guest is Natalie Cook. Natalie is a great of Australian sport and Beach Volley Ball with a record breaking 5 Olympic appearances which included a Gold Medal at Sydney 2000 & Bronze at the Atlanta 1996 games. Away from the court she is a distinguished motivational speaker & entrepreneur.
You will learn plenty from Natalie Cook in episode 12 of Talking with TK.
Listen on iTunes
3:00 – Transition away from Sport
5:30 – Mindset of Success
8:45 - Combating Childhood Obesity
14:00 – Going from Bronze to Gold
16:00 – Relationship with Kerry Pottharst
18:00 – Celebrating achievements
23:00 – Idols
25:20 – Creating a vision
28:44 – Goal Setting
33:40 – Secrets to Long Gevity
35:00 – Favourite venue outside Australia
36:18 – Posters on childhood wall growing up
38:00 – 5 people she would invite to a private dinner party
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