What I learnt from Vince Del Monte

This week he hosted fitness & health expert Vince Del Monte. I’ve been following Vince for a while now, using his You Tube videos as motivation when I first got in the game. What I really like about Vince is he has lived it. He is helping people by sharing his personal experience which is now his expertise. He has skin in the game from his origins as “skinny Vinny” to now being the skinny guy saviour.
To listen to the entire interview use the player below.
Here are my key takeaways:
We all can get in a phase of getting too far in front of ourselves and thinking we can do it all. To quote Vince:
"You don’t have to do a whole lot of things to be successful, just do one thing very well”
The big take away is to focus on that one big idea you want to bring to people. If it has substance, value and not based on gimmicks or hooks it will be successful and something you can be proud of.
In the competitive fitness and health landscape, it becomes very important to niche and find an area you can be an expert. Given his own experiences, Vin focused on the world of skinny guys trying to put on muscle. Through his own experience, he was able to solve a problem and create demand. Because he had been in their shoes, he was authentic and providing so much value that it created momentum. He didn’t have to go into the typical fat loss & strength training.
Now in your own business, what is your point of difference or is there a unique problem you can solve?
Also, do you have personal experiences that can help you find it?
An important talking point was when Vince was a competitive runner. While not the most athletically gifted runner by surrounding himself with world class runners it helped bring out his potential. His advice is to put yourself in a position or environment that is outside your comfort zone. Getting in this environment will force you to improve or fail.
Despite his lack of genetics or prowess, he could level the playing field with his work ethic, passion and hustle. All 3 are controllable so use Vince’s example to stay ahead of your competition.
Vince spoke about finding your “super power”. Now you must be asking, how do I find what my super power is?
Well Vince thinks in business, it’s the thing that if you stop doing would stop the business from running. By identifying your super power, you will be able to find clarity and continue to play to your strengths and build your brand.
Ever heard the phrase “skin in the game”, well Vince defines this very well. From investing thousands of dollars in business coaches such as Bedros Keuilian and Craig Ballantyne to fitness coaches like Ryan Faehnle, Vince is always looking at ways to grow his skill and knowledge levels. He believes in continual growth and recommends saving 10% of your pay check towards this area (seminars, mentors, masterminds). To quote Vince “The more you know the more you grow”. He also believes investing in yourself will attract the right, like-minded people.
The great take away is prioritise investing in yourself to continue to grow. Another relatable business point is how can you expect someone to buy off you, if you have never bought from someone before. Skin in the game is critical in business as it gives you an idea of what it is really like on the other foot (the customer).
Vince made Sleep a priority last year making a habit of going to at 9-10pm which led to earlier wake up times of around 5am which now is a natural wake up time.
The earlier wake up means he has created “magic time” for himself in the morning which means early more efficient workouts and has led to amazing idea generation for his business and life. Vin is a big believer that every hour of sleep before midnight is the equivalent to 2 hours of normal sleep.
There are some great executable takeaways you can take from the interview with Vin, a great mix of lifestyle, business and self-improvement. Be open minded to trying a few, usually your next big thing will come from an unusual source. So, don’t be exactly Vince, but be open minded in trying some of the key lessons he has passed on.
Be sure to continue to follow Vince on his journey
Online - http://www.vincedelmontefitness.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/vincedelmontelivelargetv/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/vincedelmonte
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/defrancosgym/
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/user/VinceDelMonte
Let me know what you think of the interview at tristan@talkingwithtk.com
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